5 Things You Didn’t Know About Beyond Organic Hemp at Happy Buddha
From Happy Buddha Hemp: When we first founded Happy Buddha Hemp it was with the single goal of creating truly organic, highly potent CBD that people could rely on. While that sounds simple, we quickly found out that in practice it was anything but. You see, when it comes to hemp, the normal definitions of “organic” just don’t cut it. To achieve what we wanted, we needed to go “beyond organic” and so we’ve spent every day since developing the unique processes that make our hemp so happy.
Now, with over twenty years of experience in growing and extracting CBD, we want to share what it means to go “beyond organic”. Whether you’re interested in growing your own hemp, or just curious to know how it gets from the soil to the bottle, we’re sure you’ll learn something. So, here’s 5 things you didn’t know about how growing hemp and going “beyond organic”.
1 – Hemp is great for the soil, but the soil isn’t always great for hemp.
One of the most challenging things when trying to grow pure, organic hemp with no trace of pesticides or chemical contaminants is that the hemp plant is an excellent phytoremediator.
What does that mean?
Basically it means that when you grow hemp on soil, it will suck up everything that’s in the soil. It’s so good at it, it’s even used to help clean up soil that’s been contaminated by toxic or nuclear waste. That’s great if you’re trying to create clean soil, but it presents a real problem if you’re trying to create clean, chemical free hemp and CBD.
For us, the only way to guarantee that our hemp was free of traces of chemicals and pesticides wasn’t just to grow it organically, but to grow it on fields that we could guarantee had been chemical free for at least 50 years.
2 – Supporting your plants is about more than soil, rain and sun.
Just like with soil, what goes into (or onto) a hemp plant, ends up in everything you make from that plant, it’s why we started developing our “beyond organic” process. But, in order to generate the yield that’s needed to give the high-potency we put into all our products, you can’t just leave hemp to its own devices. Pesticides, composts and flower enhancers are all necessary, but it’s so important not to take a chemical shortcut. Our main pesticide is Neem oil, a substance that you can put on a salad for a delicious, nutty-flavoring, that just so happens to also keep mites and other pests away. Taking the time to make sure that you’re only using natural, non-chemical fertilizers and boosters on your hemp plants, means that the CBD is going to be all the purer and more potent at the end of the process.
3 – Social distancing isn’t just for people.
One of the easiest ways for a crop to become contaminated during the growing process, despite the best intentions of the farmer, is for mold or some other parasite to infect it. These infections can quickly spread through a field and harm the health of the whole crop. Most farms get around this with harsh chemicals, but that was never an option for us. Instead, we created and follow a growing process that ensures at least 2 feet of vertical space between all plant hangings which allows our farmers to catch and control these problems before they become serious.
4 – Not all hemp plants are created equal.
Creating hemp strains that give the best possible chance of producing high potency CBD is one of the cornerstones of our process. Every single plant that is allowed to mature in the fields starts as a propagation from one of our indoor crops. This helps us control the quality of every single plant that we use to ensure only the best ever make it into our extraction process.
5 – Not all propagation is created equal either.
Most farmers, when cloning a successful plant through propagation rely on harmful, synthetic rooting gels and powders to ensure success. This alone would mean that they failed even a basic test of organic purity, but is particularly harmful for hemp with its sensitivity to chemical contamination. Our cloning area is sanitized and temperature controlled to ensure that we are able to use natural alternatives and maintain organic purity from seed to bottle.