Tag hemp
SD cannabis ballot measures filed for 2022
It was a bummer hearing that SD’s governor and court agreed that the amendment to their Constitution regarding the legal status of cannabis was struck down. It is a nit picky type of a reason, but the reason is very…
Why Did California Quietly Ban CBD Cosmetics?
Why on earth is California so backward when it comes to hemp and the addition of hemp derived CBD oil in virtually any consumable good in the state? A few years back, the CA Department of Health (CADH) set forth…
Many people with fibromyalgia substitute CBD for opioids and pain medications, finds study
Hemp businesses look to blockchain to provide transparency to customers
As you may already know, we are fans of blockchain and cryptocurrency. We accept many cryptos, and will be adding a couple more to be accepted in the coming weeks. For those who don’t know, blockchain is a ledger type…
Hyasynth First to Market with CBD Produced Using Microbial Biosynthesis
Is CBD For The People Legit? A Real Tested CBD Brand Spotlight
One of the brands I really like carrying is CBD For The People. When the review of the products came from LA Weekly, I was naturally interested in finding out what they said. Long story short, the folks at Real…